
Player Information

Parent 1 Information

Parent 2 Information (optional)

Academic & Athletic Information

Emergency Contact Information

Waivers and Releases

In consideration for permission to and participation in the BrickLAX Girl's Fall Clinic at Cornell University on September 8, 2024 (“Activity” or “Activities”), I, the Attendee, or (if the Attendee is under 18 years of age) the parent
or legal guardian of Attendee, do waive and release forever any and all rights for claims and damages I may
have against 1) Cornell University, its governing board, officers, trustees, agents, employees, contractors,
and volunteers (collectively, “Cornell”); 2) and Coach Jennifer Graap (“Coach”); and BrickLAX LLC
(“LLC,” and, collectively, with Cornell and Coach, the “Released Parties”), from and against any and all
liability for any harm, injury, damage, claims, demands, actions, costs, and expenses of any nature which
Attendee may have or which may hereafter accrue to Attendee, arising out of or related to any loss, damage,
or personal injury, that may be sustained by Attendee or by any property belonging to Attendee, whether
caused by negligence or carelessness on the part of any of the Released Parties, while Attendee is in, on,
upon, or in transit to or from the premises where the Activity, or any adjunct to the Activity, occurs or is
being conducted.
I accept, understand, and assume that there is a risk of injury in this Activity, due to the physical
nature of the Activity, including but not limited to falls, contact with other participants, and being injured
attendant to the activities related to or performed at the Camp or on Cornell’s campus. Attendee agrees to
follow all instructions and to wear all necessary, recommended, and appropriate protective gear and
equipment, and assume all risks associated with participation excepting the acts or omissions of other
individuals proximately resulting in injury to the Attendee.
I understand and acknowledge that COVID-19 is a global pandemic and a public health risk. I
understand that the risk of becoming exposed to or infected by COVID-19 at Cornell University may arise
from the actions, omissions, or negligence of myself and others including, but not limited to other attendees,
Cornell, its students, the Coach or LLC, or their respective employees, contractors or volunteers. I
recognize that the Released Parties cannot limit all potential sources of COVID-19 infection. I knowingly
and voluntarily assume all risks, including but not limited to, the risk of illness, death, bodily injury,
disability, or exposure or infection with COVID-19, for myself and my family. I fully understand the risks,
I knowingly and voluntarily waive and release the Released Parties, along with Cornell students, from all
present and future claims of any type for any harm or loss, including but not limited to, economic loss,
personal injury, disease, death or property damage suffered by me or my family, as a result of my
participation in the Activity or as a result of my presence or my family’s presence on Cornell University
campus. I agree to indemnify, hold harmless, and covenant not to sue the Released Parties for any personal
injury, death, medical expenses, disability, loss of capacity, property damage, court costs, attorney’s fees,
or other loss arising out of my participation.
I understand that this Activity is neither administered nor sponsored by Cornell University and that
the Coach is providing this camp/clinic through the LLC outside the scope of his/her employment with
Cornell. I agree to release, hold harmless, and indemnify the Released Parties from any and all claims and
liability arising out of the Activities on campus or attendant to the Camp excepting acts or omissions of
gross negligence or recklessness proximately resulting in injury(ies) to Attendee.
I/We being the legal guardians of the applicant authorize BrickLAX and its agent's permission to request medical treatment as necessary to insure the well-being of our dependent.
A full refund, less processing fees, will be issued only for cancellations occurring 3 weeks prior to the start of camp. No refunds will be issued within 3 weeks of the start date.

Partial refunds will NOT be issued for late arrivals, early departures, injuries limiting play at the camp, or inclement weather.

Billing Information

  • Visa
  • Mastercard
  • American Express
  • Discover
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